Service & Returns Policy
At The Skin Clinic Concord, we pride ourselves in ensuring that our team are up to date with product knowledge, processes in all services, the latest technology, adhering to strict guidelines and protocols and above all exercising due diligence.
If and when a client is not satisfied with any of their services or unhappy with any outcomes after their services, we invite them back in to do an assessment.
Although we do not provide refunds, we are committed to providing excellent service and addressing any concerns our clients may have. If necessary, we will gladly provide a re-assessment service to ensure the client’s satisfaction and maintain their skin in a healthy and optimal condition.
If a product is bought and returned within 24 for genuine reasons like an allergic reaction, photos must be supplied by the client.
If accepted, a replacement product is given or a credit against their next visit or a straight refund. Faulty products are then given back to the manufacturer as soon as possible for exchange or wait for the company representative to visit next.